Population by country where the highest level of education was successfully completed, sex, age, country of birth and educational attainment level
Population with the highest level of education obtained abroad by application for formal recognition of the education in the host country, sex, age, country of educational attainment level and country of birth
Population with the highest level of education obtained abroad by outcome of applying for recognition of the education in the host country, sex, age, educational attainment level and country of educational attainment level
Population with the highest level of education obtained abroad by reason for not applying for recognition of the education in the host country, sex, age, educational attainment level and country of educational attainment level
Employed foreign-born by change in skill level from last job before migrating to current job, sex, age, country of birth and educational attainment level
Employed foreign-born by change in skill level from last job before migrating to current job, sex, age, country of birth and professional status
Employed foreign-born by change in skill level from last job before migrating to current job, sex, age and main reason for migrating
Population by educational attainment level of the parents, sex, age, migration status and educational attainment level
Population by educational attainment level of the parents, sex, age, country of birth and labour status