Long-term unemployment rate by sex

The long-term unemployment rate expresses the number of long-term unemployed aged 15-74 as a percentage of the active population of the same age. Long-term unemployed (12 months and more) comprise persons aged at least 15, who are not living in collective households, who will be without work during the next two weeks, who would be available to start work within the next two weeks and who are seeking work (have actively sought employment at some time during the previous four weeks or are not seeking a job because they have already found a job to start later). The total active population (labour force) is the total number of the employed and unemployed population. The duration of unemployment is defined as the duration of a search for a job or as the period of time since the last job was held (if this period is shorter than the duration of the search for a job). The indicator is based on the EU Labour Force Survey.
