Employees, domestic concept - annual data

Persons in employment are those who, during the reference week, did any work for pay or profit, or were not working but had a job from which they were temporarily absent. Anyone who receives a wage for on-the-job training that involves the production of goods or services is also considered as being in employment. Self-employed and family workers are also included. Employment is measured in number of persons without distinction according to full-time or part-time work. Employment growth rates are based on employed persons. They are expressed as percentage change comparing year Y with year Y-1 and in 1000 persons. Data are sourced from National accounts data. The ESA 2010 distinguishes two employment concepts depending on the geographical coverage: resident persons in employment (i.e. the national scope of employment) and employment in resident production units irrespective of the place of residence of the employed person (i.e. domestic scope). The table presents total employment, according to the domestic concept.
