Persons in employment by working time flexibility, educational attainment level and professional status
Employees by working time flexibility, type of employment contract and size of firm
Persons in employment by working time flexibility, economic activity (NACE Rev. 2) and occupation
Persons in employment by level of difficulty to take one or two hours off at short notice, educational attainment level and professional status
Persons in employment by level of difficulty to take one or two hours off at short notice, household composition and working from home
Persons in employment by level of difficulty to take one or two hours off at short notice, economic activity (NACE Rev. 2) and occupation
Persons in employment by level of difficulty to take one or two days of leave at short notice, educational attainment level and professional status
Employees by level of difficulty to take one or two days of leave at short notice, type of employment contract and size of firm
Persons in employment by level of difficulty to take one or two days of leave at short notice, household composition and working from home
Persons in employment by level of difficulty to take one or two days of leave at short notice, economic activity (NACE Rev. 2) and occupation
Persons in employment by frequency of adapting working time to fulfil work tasks, educational attainment level and professional status
Employees by frequency of adapting working time to fulfil work tasks, type of employment contract and size of firm
Persons in employment by frequency of adapting working time to fulfil work tasks, economic activity (NACE Rev. 2) and occupation
Persons in employment by frequency of work-related contacts during leisure time (in last two months), educational attainment level and professional status
Employees by frequency of work-related contacts during leisure time (in last two months), type of employment contract and size of firm
Persons in employment by frequency of work-related contacts during leisure time (in last two months), economic activity (NACE Rev. 2) and occupation