International road freight transport - unloaded goods in reporting country by country of loading, type of goods and type of transport (t)- annual data (1982-2007)
International road freight transport - loaded goods in reporting country by country of unloading, type of goods and type of transport (t) - annual data (1982-2007)
Cross-trade road freight transport of reporting country by country of loading and unloading, type of goods and type of transport (t) - annual data (1990-2007)
International road freight transport by country of loading and unloading and type of goods (t, tkm) - annual data, EU aggregates (1999-2007)
International road freight transport of reporting countryby country of loading and unloading and type of goods (t, tkm) - annual data (1999-2007)
International road freight transport by country of loading and unloading (t, tkm) - annual data, EU aggregates (1999-2013)