Grain maize and corn-cob-mix by area, production and humidity

This table includes the area, production and humidity of maize harvested for grain, as seed or as corn-cob-mix. In particular, grain maize harvested by hand, corn-picker, corn-sheller or combine harvester, regardless of the use, including grain for silage. Also grain harvested together with parts of the cob, but with humidity higher than 20% and used for silage (so called corn-cob-mix, CCM – humidity 30-35%) is included here. Maize harvested green for fodder or for energy use and sweet maize are not included in this table. This indicator uses the concepts of "area under cultivation", "harvested production" and "humidity". 1) The "area under cultivation" corresponds: • before the harvest, to the sown area; • after the harvest, to the sown area excluding the non-harvested area (e.g. area ruined by natural disasters, area not harvested for economic reasons, etc.) 2) The "harvested production" corresponds to the production for which harvesting started in year N, even though harvesting may finish in year N+1 (N is the reference year for data published by Eurostat). 3) In order to facilitate the comparisons of production figures between the Members States the figures have been converted from national humidity degrees into the standard EU humidity (14%).