Fresh vegetables and strawberries by area

This table includes the areas of all brassicas, leafy and stalked vegetables, vegetables cultivated for fruit, root, tuber and bulb vegetables, fresh pulses, other vegetables harvested fresh (not dry), including melons, and strawberries grown on arable land outdoor in rotation with other agricultural or horticultural crops and under glass or high accessible cover. This indicator uses the concepts of "harvested area". The "harvested area" corresponds to the total sown area for the production of a specific crop during the same year (i.e. the sum of the areas sown and harvested more than once in the same year) excluding the non-harvested area. For instance, radishes have a cropping time of between 4 and 6 weeks. If 1 ha is sown and harvested four times, within the same year, and all the sown area is harvested except the last one, where only 80% of the field is harvested, then the harvested area will be 3,8 hectares (4 hectares minus non harvested area 0,2 hectares).